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  • [건설] Act on Fire Prevention and Installation, Maintenance, and Safety Control of Fire-fighting Systems
    • Competent Ministry :
    • Advance Publication of Legislation : 2018-07-23
    • Opinion Submission Deadline : 2018-08-06
Reasons for Proposal

Kids cafes are multi-functional areas where children mostly aged twelve (12) or less and their parents can use various children’s indoor playgrounds and play equipment, etc., and where food and drinks, etc., are selling. Until now, however, such kids cafes have not been legally defined nor have such businesses been categorized, with the result that persons who intend to operate a kids cafe report certain areas of a business place as a restaurant under the Food Sanitation Act or an amusement facility under the Tourism Promotion Act, and the other areas as children’s amusement facilities.

At the same time, under the current Act, neighborhood living facilities including general restaurants and facilities such as those in amusement facility businesses are subject to self-inspection of fire-fighting safety control or fire-fighting systems, etc., as specific fire-fighting objects where fire-fighting systems must be installed, while the places of business of persons who provide recreation for children are not governed by the current Act, with the result that in many cases, no fire-fighting systems are installed in such areas.

In response, this Amendment aims to strengthen safety control of kids cafes by including the places of business of persons who, for business, provide indoor recreation for children by installing children’s amusement facilities in accordance with the Act on Safety Control of Amusement Facilities for Children, in specific fire-fighting objects (Article 2 (1) 3).

Major Provisions

Include in specific fire-fighting objects the places of business of persons who, for business, provide indoor recreation for children by installing children’s amusement facilities according to the Act on Safety Control of Amusement Facilities for Children (Article 2 (1) 3).

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